Finding Better Ways To Manufacture Your Products
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Finding Better Ways To Manufacture Your Products

About a year ago, I could tell that my business was starting to struggle. We were having a tough time meeting deadlines and working with manufacturers, and it seemed like we were starting to sink. I knew that we had to do something, so we started looking for easier ways to manufacture our products. We decided to update our equipment and retrain all of our employees. It was amazing to see how much of a difference it made. This blog is all about finding different ways to stay on top of your business manufacturing, so that you can keep your customers happy and satisfied.

Finding Better Ways To Manufacture Your Products

What Are Your Best Long-Term Fuel Storage Options?

Aloïs Boyer

Whether you want to take advantage of temporarily low fuel prices rather than paying higher prices at the pump for the next few years, or are concerned about a fuel shortage in your area and want to ensure you and your family are never without a source of backup power, you may be investigating the best ways to store a large quantity of gasoline, bio diesel, or propane in your garage or basement for an extended period of time. While doing this could save you a substantial amount of money, it is not without its dangers -- and storing this fuel in an improper manner could leave you with expensive sludge unable to power any piece of machinery. Read on to learn more about the best ways to store these fuels over the long term while preserving their quality.

How should you store gasoline or diesel over the long term?

Both gasoline and diesel can lose their potency fairly quickly, especially when stored in a warm or hot area. While untreated diesel can "survive" for about a year when stored in an airtight container, if this diesel container is stored at 70 degrees or above during most of this time,  you may find that the potency drops off significantly at the six-month mark. As a result, it's important to store your gasoline or diesel in a cool, dry location.

Fortunately, you don't need any special holding tanks or other equipment to keep your fuel in good shape for a year or more -- in most cases, storing gasoline or diesel in an ordinary plastic or metal gas can will protect the contents while making this fuel easy to handle and transport. Adding fuel stabilizers and additives will help extend the lifespan of your stored fuel, keeping it potent much longer than untreated fuel. If you're continuing to purchase and store gasoline or diesel from a company like the one found at during this process, you'll want to periodically rotate your stock to ensure you're using up the oldest fuel quickly.

What are the best ways to store heating oil? 

Unlike gasoline, heating oil is generally shelf-stable and can last more than two years even without treatment. However, there are still some additives you can place in your heating oil tank that will help prevent the formation of sludge and keep your fuel in good shape. You'll also want to ensure your oil remains at a fairly steady temperature year-round -- whether this means burying a metal storage tank in your yard or keeping a PVC tank in your climate-controlled basement. By preventing temperature swings, you can all but guarantee the oil you buy at a discount this summer can reliably and inexpensively heat your home for the next several winters, even after prices rise. 
